All images are original photographs or illustrations by Ronald Newsham at Wheelhouse Art. © Ronald Newsham 2020.


As a child you learn just what a great big messy bit of fun art is, and with luck, you never lose that sense of fun and achievement.

As you grow older you develop the way you communicate, both verbally and visually, and this sense of self can be a help or hinderance in your artistic endeavours.

gallery/reflections on the wandle(lr)

Reflections on the Wandle, sunset

The ideas you choose to convey are not necessarily a comment on society, although they can be, but a way of communicating what the artist sees in any given subject, at a given moment in time.

Hopefully, this translates and communicates to the viewer a feeling or a vision in a way the viewer had not thought of before.

I paint landscapes, but I abstract the landscapes and use it to evoke a feeling. They are not literal translations of what I see in front of me, but more an idea of what I was feeling at the time. The difficulty, is how I portray that feeling in paint and make you also feel and enjoy the view.

Large canvas painted in acrylics with gold leaf highlights - 1.5m x 1m.